Reasons to Choose Hoof Prints Ranch

Reasons to stay at HPR RV Park and Horse Motel

1. Located .2 miles from Stephenvilles city limits and .4 miles from the famous Hard 8 BBQ

2. If you would like to rodeo, this is the place to be. Stephenville is in a wagonwheel shape and each one of the spokes is a road that leads to another rodeo with another great facility. If you would like to save on fuel this is the place to stay.

  • 5 miles from the outstanding facility Stephenville, TX
  • 45 miles from the amazing in Hamilton, TX
  • 66 miles from another great arena in Alvarado, TX
  • 30 miles to the in Glen Rose, TX
  • 87 miles to Waco, TX – 80 miles to Ft Worth, TX – 120 miles to Abilene, TX
  • These are the big facilities but there are so many small towns that hold rodeos, ropings, cuttings, pennings, shootings, shows and so many events that you will not want to leave. For photos of these great arenas go to

3. In July 2006 Good Morning America aired that Stephenville, TX was voted top 100 best small town to move to.

4. Do you “wanna rope” – Stephenville, TX headquarters to

5. Fossil Rim Wildlife center – Take the kids and drive in your own vehicle while feeding the wild animals.

6. We now have an adorable cabins that we rent out starting at $125 a night.  Check them out

7. We are a half mile from just near the Hard 8 BBQ.